RTP 180

Leigh Fultz and Dylan Scott give insight to the Fujifilm wellness culture and the path it took to reach the goal of becoming the healthiest employer in the RTP and 9th in the Springbuk 100 healthiest employers in the nation.

Cam DornComment
How Much Is Enough?

What can you do with 5 to 10 minutes, or less than 1% of your day to make a marked increase in your cardiovascular health for the future? Well according to the American Journal of Cardiology the answer is to run. Now I don’t mean gut wrenching hill sprints with your heart rate soaring into the 180 beat per minute (BPM) range, but rather a nice light jog. The AJCC released a sweeping study looking at 55,137 adults with ages ranging from 18-100 (avg age 44) assessing all cause and cardiovascular mortality in proportion to running time. Researchers found that compared to never runners, individuals who ran at least six miles a week saw a decrease in all cause mortality and CVD mortality from a hazard ratio of 1.00 (baseline for never runners) to .46. A dive into the data seems to show a sweet spot for this population of running 3 times per week at a pace around 7mph ( 8:30 mile pace ) between 6-10 miles per week.


Cam DornComment